The blog of Valdorcia Terre Senesi
As the countryside is influenced by the seasons, so the title of our blog depends on the article that precedes it.
Because if we use the plural then the lives are those of those who get up early in the morning and come home when it gets dark. The lives of those who listening to the voice of the wind predicts the sun or rain. The lives of those who know nature, its rhythms, its rules, its generosity and harshness.
It is enough, however, to change the article, that from the foils of galestro sprouts the grape vine, the plant that accompanies the history of man since Neolithic times. The grape vine from which you get the food praised by poets, historians and artists, evoked in the works of Aesop and Homer, the privilege of the wealthy classes. The grapevine that marks in an unmistakable way the slopes of the hills of Val d’Orcia.
Now that you know it we hope that you will often come back to read our Blog you will find “the grapevine that divides the rows and unites the lives”.
You may call them if you want: emotions
We are just few days away from the beginning of harvesting, the most exciting and frenetic moment of the year. Every year, at this time, we evaluate the progress of the season, analyze the grapes and get worried about the final